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Light Pollution: Can We Stop the Worldwide Phenomenon?

Photo of the night sky.

By 布鲁克·希利斯 '26

Source for photo above:

的 Catastrophe of Light Pollution

根据 International Dark Sky Association, “Light pollution is a side effect of industrial civilization. Its sources include building exterior and interior lighting, 广告, commercial properties, 办公室, 工厂, 路灯, and illuminated sporting venues.” Due to this pollution, natural life cycles are inhibited and space observation is hindered.

As of recently there has been a campaign among large cities in America called the “lights out day,,由 地球一小时活动 组织. 的 地球一小时活动 组织 is an institution founded by the World WildLife Fund (WWF) to diminish and limit the effects of light pollution worldwide for one day a year. 的 WWF encourages people to join the movement; “地球一小时活动 is now one of the world's largest grassroots movements for the environment. By switching off your lights on March 25 at 8:30pm, you will join millions of others in 190 countries in support of our planet.”

Most people don’t see light pollution as a major issue other than not being able to see the stars, but it is far from that. In an informational article from James Madison University, light pollution affects human health by “disrupt[ing] the circadian rhythm [which] has also been linked has been linked to sleep disorders like insomnia and delayed sleep-phase syndrome, as well as depression, 高血压, attention deficit disorder, 肥胖, 糖尿病, 还有心脏病.” 

的 circadian rhythm, or circadian cycle, is the natural cycle of physical, 精神, 情感, and behavioral transformations that your body goes through over a 24 hour period; most commonly known as the sleep-wake cycle.

Light pollution affects your daily life and health tremendously without you even realizing it.

An increased amount of light at night not only lowers melatonin production, which results in drastic sleep deprivation, but it also increases fatigue, 头痛, and many 精神 illnesses, 比如焦虑. 

Furthermore, light pollution also affects non-human animals. 的 United Nations Environ精神 Programme 州, “Artificial light at night can disorientate adult and hatchling sea turtles, so they are unable to find the ocean. Birds are also known to become disorientated by lights, resulting in higher bird mortality due to collisions with artificial structures such as buildings.”

As you can now tell, light pollution effects not only how we see the stars, but also the human body and many other animals within our ecosystems. Failure to stop light pollution will lead to earlier deaths for both humans and animals. So, turn out the lights in your home and get out your candles because if we don’t curb this unnecessary light usage then the health of people and animals will continue to deteriorate. 

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布鲁克·希利斯 ‘26
布鲁克·希利斯 ‘26

Assistant Managing Editor

布鲁克·希利斯 is the assistant managing editor for the 掠袭者审查 and a member of the class of 2026. She lives in North Andover, Massachusetts.

In her free time Brooke plays tennis, reads, and roller skates. One of her favorite book genres is psychological thriller. Brooke writes primarily for the science column and is looking forward to seeing future writing pieces from the 掠袭者审查!

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