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An up close image of microplastics on fingers.


上图来源: istockphoto.com

微塑料无处不在. 到处都是! Microplastics can be found in your Starbucks drink, 在你的塑料外卖盒里, 在你家里的尘土里, 在你呼吸的空气中. 

根据 绿色的女王, an organization that advocates for environmental change, “97% of children between the ages of 3 and 17 years-old have plastic and microplastic debris in their bodies."This means that almost all children aren’t just exposed to toxic plastics, but already have them circulating throughout their bodies.

Microplastics are minuscule fragments of plastic, typically less than five millimeters in length, that infiltrate their way into anything and everything we see, 呼吸, 或使用. When most people think about microplastics they assume that the material is not harmful and doesn’t actually affect us. 但确实如此.

Microplastics have been found in marine organisms as well as the human body.


Microplastics can be the debris from plastic pellets to synthetic textiles or the degradation of large plastic objects and material.The largest popular source of plastic in the human body is through plastic water bottles, plastic food containers and takeout food coverings.

When you consume items that were carried in plastic containers there is a high likelihood that you will  absorb some of these plastic into your body. Tens of thousands of microplastic particles and material enter the average human body each year, and these tiny plastic particles are found floating around in the human bloodstream.  

最近的报告 《欧亚体育》, 一家英国报纸, explains that a recent study by Professor Dick Vethaak, 阿姆斯特丹的生态毒理学家, "found that microplastics can latch on to the outer membranes of red blood cells and may limit their ability to transport oxygen.” 

We, 作为人类, are potentially limiting our life span because of the material that we are creating and consuming on a wide scale.

The Largest Contributor to Microplastic Pollution

The single greatest contributor to microplastic pollution and distribution is synthetic textiles. 不列颠 explains that synthetic textiles and fibers are “man-made textile fiber produced entirely from chemical substances.” These fibers are cheaper to make and easier to produce in less time compared to their more ecological counterpart, 天然纤维.

Some examples of synthetic fibers and textiles are rayon, acrylic, nylon and polyester. Many have probably heard of polyester or nylon and had no idea that these materials are potentially more harmful than natural material. 

What Can You Do to Help Reduce the Amount of Plastic You Use?

Cut out plastic from your everyday lifestyle! This may seem difficult, but there are many eco-friendly alternatives to plastic. Instead of using plastic bags, use reusable, 天然纤维 bags. Start using reusable water bottles, such as metal or even reusable plastic. 购买更可持续的产品, 天然纤维 clothing items instead of fast-fashion which is often made with synthetic material, 这样的例子不胜枚举.

Not only are these options better for the oceans and environment, but they’re also better for your wallet. Mass consumption can do a number on your bank account and you might not even realize it. Let’s take some statistics into consideration:

An average pack of 24 plastic water bottles costs about $4.16人99人.9液盎司.Walmart sells stainless steel insulated water bottles for $11.99 a 16.9盎司一瓶. This reusable water bottle will easily last you five years or more and does not contain plastic.If you brought one plastic non-reusable water bottle to work every day for five years that would cost you an average of $380. 你就能省下368美元.01 if you had just switched to a reusable water bottle.

While it’s great to think about monetary savings, the greater gain here is in saving the environment and your health. This is only a small step that we can take to try and help our environment in little ways, 你在这个大环境中很重要.

Whether you’re just using a metal water bottle to cut back on your use of plastic or starting plastic pollution movements around the globe, what you do to help the Earth everyday matters.So, next time you go to the grocery store to pick up a pack of bottled water, think about your impact on the environment and your health. 没有行星b. 没有另一个你.



布鲁克·希利斯, 26岁
布鲁克·希利斯, 26岁


布鲁克·希利斯 is the assistant managing editor for the 掠袭者审查 也是2026届的一员. She lives in North Andover, Massachusetts.

In her free time Brooke plays tennis, reads, and roller skates. One of her favorite book genres is psychological thriller. Brooke writes primarily for the science column and is looking forward to seeing future writing pieces from the 掠袭者审查!

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